High Flying Pelosi
I keep saying it and nobody believes me. Every time I hear a newly-elect party espouse "a fresh new beginning", I want to impale myself onto the headstock of my electric guitar...
You would think that the perpetually surprised-looking Pelosi would have learned from all those years waiting in the wings of what to do and maybe what NOT to do. After all the crap about the Republican Party's "culture of corruption", about the "free spending" government etc, now comes a little story (www.washingtontimes.com) about her using one of the largest Air Force jetliners to ferry her and her posse to California and back. Amazing. I know, i know,.... its the Washington Times; but even that defender of conservative values, Wolf Blitzer from CNN gave the story credibility so I don't want to hear it.
I keep saying it and nobody believes me. Every time I hear a newly-elect party espouse "a fresh new beginning", I want to impale myself onto the headstock of my electric guitar...
You would think that the perpetually surprised-looking Pelosi would have learned from all those years waiting in the wings of what to do and maybe what NOT to do. After all the crap about the Republican Party's "culture of corruption", about the "free spending" government etc, now comes a little story (www.washingtontimes.com) about her using one of the largest Air Force jetliners to ferry her and her posse to California and back. Amazing. I know, i know,.... its the Washington Times; but even that defender of conservative values, Wolf Blitzer from CNN gave the story credibility so I don't want to hear it.
Look people, I am fully aware of the security needs the Speaker requires in these days of post-911 protocols,... but how can she not see that at the very least it looks bad! If Dennis Hastert could wedge his 300-lbs plus frame into a government Gulf-stream, then why can't she squeeze her skinny ass into the same damn plane? This C-32 jetliner she is supposed to be wanting is a $22,000 per hour guzzling monolith. Not too many congressmen get "non-stop" service from D.C. to their districts. Not too many congressman get to carry their entire staff, friends, family, the pet, and whatever other ass-kisser in sight. Why should Madame Pelosi get this joy? Nancy honey!, don't you care about me? Joe Taxpayer? What will the Sierra Club think of you? What of the effects to the environment? (snicker, snicker...) To top it off, instead of just saying "Look, I know how it looks, and I think I have to lead by example, so I've decided to accept Dennis' old jet when traveling to California, even if I do have to make a pit stop in Vegas (shucks). I'm sorry for the lapse of judgment"..... nope. Not even close. Watching her dance around the questions at her press conference made me think she was auditioning for the Spin Doctors.
I spent 6 years wailing and bashing on Bush 43 for spending like an irresponsible teen with his Dad's credit card. So now its Nancy's turn to get to a dose of my vile .... , what a crock of shit, pardon my vulgarity. As a man who is more than willing to give ANY party not my own the chance to shine and win me over I look for reasons to have faith in a new beginning when a new Congress or a new President comes to office, regardless of party. But its doings like these that sears into my frontal lobe that what used to be an elephant, is now a donkey,... albeit with an extreme makeover; and terrible eyebrows. Go ahead Dems, explain this one ,... I'm all ears..., donkey ears that is.
(The more this unravels, the more I am beginning to think the press, and I, may have jumped the gun in the judging of Ms. Pelosi. I am quick to hammer the press for pulling this fast-trigger shit. If I got this wrong, and many things point to that very fact, then I am sending a letter to the Speaker's webite and will apologize for publishing something not factual. I am giving myself 24 hours before I kill this posting- TP)
Ever noticed how she has that Manson look?
"perpetually surprised-looking Pelosi" LOL! You've got that right. She actually looks unbalanced to me.
Yep, the liberals scream about global warming and expect us to drive around in pill-box cars, yet she wants use of the plane that costs the taxpayers the most money to fly and it also burns the most fossil fuels! Her problem is that she doesn't seem to realize we've done away with royalty in this country and she hasn't been elected a queen!
Excellent post. Thanks for visiting MRB. :)
She was defended by Tony Snow. He understands not to offend one of the main people involved with appropriations.
That image will haunt my dreams for nights to come.
Although it is disgusting, I've come to expect the "I deserve the biggest_____ " attitude from just about all politicians...
But the angle that does gall me is the environmental side. After lecturing me, the poor little schlub, to conserve energy and be kinder to the environment because I'm causing global warming by leaving the lights on or taking an extra trip to the grocery store, she has the nerve to use a helluva lot more energy and exhaust for her own convenience.
Don't you dare talk to me about Kyoto, or global warming if you can't do as you tell me to.
Manson lamps.... THAT is a scary thought.....
Welcome to the house of Pain,... where freedom trumps political correctness.
I am dying to give the Dems the benefit of the doubt...if they would only let me!!
Thanks for stopping by, i hope we can visit the other often. Cheers.
Can you believe that?... If Tony Snow was still at Fox he would have been apoplectic over the whole thing... , but he does have new Masters to tend to... , can't fault him.
Welcome to casa de Pain. I will try to be more judicious in my choice of pics...
The environmental activist hypocrisy of politicians is an ape-going moment everyday for me.
Ex #2, Who can forget Al Gore, the king of "save the planet", riding up to the Democratic National Convention in 2000 in a 2 mile-per-gallon inhaling secret service limousine. You figured that if he really believes in inconvenient truths he would have rolled up in a customized stretch Prius, or a caravan of donkeys.... something more akin to his beliefs.
T-P...we're really glad you're back and in fine form.
Tahnks man! Just little ol' me trying to catch my own tail in my own circular-logical way.
You know... the more this story unravels,... the more it seems that the story got a twist of press-fire. Not only does it look like she had nothing to do with it,... but the way the white house is coming out to defend her makes me believe this is a non-story after all.
I am one to pound on something hard,...if merited. But it looks like this story is not reflective of the facts at hands.
I will leave this posting up for a day... just so you can see my initial reaction,... the reacion of my peers,... and my final thoughts about it.
God knows I rail against the media for crap like this,... I think it would be hipocritical for me not to correct myself.
Nancy, if i had it wrong,... my apologies Madam Speaker.
She's already complaining that the heat she's getting is because:
a) It's Bush orchestarting the flap
b) It's because she's a woman.
She has already shown she is a party animal. Nothing more. Your post is fine as is!
If Dennis Hastert could wedge his 300-lbs plus frame into a government Gulf-stream, then why can't she squeeze her skinny ass into the same damn plane?
That was my first thought when I learned of this story.
this doesn't shock me, I bet she would want the Marine Honor Guard to lay face first on the ground so she can walk on their backs in fear of touching the ground.
I have no probelm with a plane, I have a problem with exorbant waste and the desire to be step above.
Shoot, it is California that has such higher emissions standards than the rest of the world. Are her consiuents really going for this?
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