I cant wrap my frontal lobe around just one theme today....
Yep, the ratings are out and they are first again in cable TV, killing everybody in sight with Bill O'Reilly still king of the hill. So what? I say. Add up MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, ABC, CBS, PBS and NBC and the preponderance of the media is still pretty liberal in its prism. I know my progressive / left blogger brethren like to pound on the little network that could, but I hear as much bullshit, lies and skewed massaging of the news from the 7 dwarfs as I do from the Fox fellas. I personally like MSNBC for whatever reason, but I am a known to be a glutton for punishment. I think people are pissed because Fox has the better looking eye candy...
Al Gore the Oscar Winner...
It was good to see Al Gore peel himself away from the buffet table long enough to waddle up there to accept the Oscar. And he won for doing a movie that mixes some very truthful facts with some amazing stretches of subjectivity. No, I am not an expert on Global whatever, but I personally picked 7, SEVEN facts in this celluloid masterpiece that were -at best- pure fiction. But hey, if Al really believed his own bellowing he would have rolled up to the red carpet in a stretch Toyota Prius with 22-inch wheels and recycled tires..., screw the hypocrite bastard I say...
What makes religion the bogeyman?...
It occurred to me today that the left bangs away at the dangers of electing anybody with a deep devotion to their faith (that's code for Romney bashing, by the way), but isn't bowing to the vestiges of big Government or to the evangelical fury of zen environmentalism the same thing? So its dangerous to elect somebody because he or she is a Mormon or a Baptist, but its OK to elect somebody who kneels at other altars of worship? Isn't a deep belief in ANY ideology whether its socialism, capitalism, anarchy, religion or otherwise just that?... a deep belief in something?... I know its not an apples for apples comparison, and there are too many factors to make this a simple dissection of study,.... but my mind still does not see the dangers of either thing, UNLESS they use that one singular belief as their sole axis of governance. I say screw U if you use religion as a basis of rule, and even a bigger screw U if you use big government as the sole source of your platform. You want to believe that Christ came from a virgin and walked on water?,.. go ahead and rule the freakin' Country. You want to believe in the power of the almighty Government to cure all the evils of society,... jump in as well. We've had far greater idiots in our history who served far worse masters...
So we have decided to talk to Iran...
I know this is gonna' sound like I am a Republican (and I actually was at the time), but I remember in 1980 when Iran held our people hostage at the embassy,... Reagan did not even mince words. He simply said "If the hostages are still there at my inaugural, your country is a parking lot the next day". The hostages were on a 747 on their way home the day of the election. I know, its Neanderthal thinking, and its not the way of this brave new "we are the world" globe,... but an important part of strong diplomacy is giving the appearance of being crazy enough to drop a tactical nuke in someones back yard if they don't play ball. Talking to Iran made sense oh... 15 years ago when we where aiding Saddam pummel them in the 8-year Iran-Iraq war, not today. We are not in a position of strength. Bush 43 obviously did not take lessons from 41 on this one. Truman, where the hell are you?.... We are the incredibly shrinking country. Let's just give ourselves back to England and be done with it...
someone is in a right state of mind :) i think that the main beef the left has with religion these days- is that it is trying to take over the world on all ends. whether the middle east or here- it is not right to enforce beliefs on others- err on the side of secular with laws. what you believe in the privacy of your own home is your deal.
way to go with the fat jokes too by the way. that was a nice touch.
Right state of mind? nah... actually I think I was looking to pee on both sides of the aisle with my mini-rant.
Wasn't communism trying to take over the world with their secular laws?... its the same thing if you ask me; and BOTH are wront. Again, any person or body of authority using ANY idelogy (religious or otherwise) as their sole guiding standards can go to hell...in my humble view,... you think that is "right state of mind"?....
As to the fat jokes..., sorry, Public figures have been ridiculed from the dawn of time. I've razzed Pelosi for bad eyelid surgery, GWB for the maritian lobes, and Bill got some from me back in the day for using McDonalds as his main nutional suplement. I thought it was pretty funny. Besides, if the Huffington post can have bloggers lamenting Cheney not getting killed and the left laughing their asses about it, then their humor is right up my alley (not that I like the rotund, bald V.P.)
(no offense to anybody overwheight out there,... but my humor is ...well, my humor)
sorry for the above spelling errors.... no coffee yet :)
Kinda OT, but did you hear about the UN considering a global-global warming tax?
If we're giving away soverinity to anyone, it'll be them...
The U.N., don't get me going on that World body,... I know its fashionable on the right to bash the powder blue flag, but everyday its looking like the United Federation of Planets.... albeit on Prozac...
Good site!
I linked over here via Quaker Dave. It seems you and I are the only conservative links on his page. That's a badge of honor of sorts considering how left he is...lol.
Welcome to the house of pain, where liberties are not cherry picked and the men eat their young!
Thanks for the kind words, youre always welcomed here.
(yes... conservatives are a rare sighting at Quaker Dave's house, but thats ok, he appreciates a good bout of mental dueling, as do I; and to me that alone is worth the price of admission)
"It was good to see Al Gore peel himself away from the buffet table"
You made me shoot mountain dew out my nose!
The ridicule doesn't bother me, especially when it's about someone gaining weight, or getting cosmetic surgery. If a thin congressman gets fat, it means he cares less about his appearance to the public, or has developed some kind of disorder... Either way, I think it's a valid point of discussion. Cosmetic surgery is the ultimate admission of vanity. "Stretch" Pelosi and made it very clear that we should judge her by the smoothness of her face, and not the content of her character. It's not a double standard; if Bush got a face lift, or a chin implant, I'd feel terribly because it would mean that I was a poor judge of his character.
Welcome to casa de Truth-Pain. I try to stay away from the sophomoric jokes or commentary meant only to ridicule and mock.... BUT, sometimes I can't help myself. God knows I mock my own shortcomings (or other-comings)and to be honest, I'm lacking political correctness anyway so my guilt has the shelf of an amoeba...
As to stretch er... Pelosi,... yes, I'm surprised she can close her eyelids,.... that clef you see in her chin used to be her belly button at one point....
this is a reply ties in with your comment at my pad about Hillary winning, I have the same feelings about Pelosi. Her ineptness will help bring the voters back to the Republicans in 08 if the idiots can keep the act straight.
And to be PC is boring, three cheers for global warming and racial profiling!
Ann Coulter is on a roll as well, with her Edwards comment.
A "rant" is ipso-facto a rant--verbiage without substantiation, a stream of incoherent argument.
IMHO this is a terrible post. Snap out of it man!
3 cheers for banning political correctness our of daily lingo.
I am not famiiliar with the latest rantings of Madame Coulter,...
.... i know, i know,... how dare I waste my Hades-given talent on such out-of-focus and incoherent spew,.... my apologies, i promise to do better next time.
You have so nailed a truth! FoxNews has the best eye candy, but the best part is that they can actually speak and seem well prepared. I lie, their ability to keep me riveted on the screen is the best part.
Molly is my love-goddess!
I actually just posted about the media, and spoke about Fox. The Coulter and Maher thing over the weekend again shows the left lean to the mainstream media. They only reported the Coulter comments. While Fox does have a slightly right wing bent, it was the only place where you heard both stories.
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