The new and improved Congress of the United States took center stage today. Not to discuss important things such as the national debt (something that gets no pub at all), not to discuss say Social Security or Medicare, two looming disasters; not to talk about re-newable energy sources, fundamental problems in funding varied educational systems, not to discuss the viability of single payer health care, not to discuss the increasing size of the budget and or Federal Government, nor the importance of dialogue between nations of differing cultures,... Nope. They got together to discuss, -for 3 days mind you...- a NON BINDING resolution to curtail the deployment of further troops to Iraq. Nice. Three days, getting paid, to TALK about a resolution that will -in the end- mean nothing to anybody but idiot bloggers like me.
I just can't get past it. If I were to tell my Director at work that I was going to spend 3 days on a "non-binding" anything, I would be summarily fired without question. Can anything be more un-productive as a resolution with no bite, no directive, no force or action, no reason in being other than allow the blowhards to vent away with Keith Olbermann narrating the play by play? What to hell does that do? Non-binding? Like I don't know what these clowns stand or don't stand for in the first place! Other than allow everybody face-time on C-SPAN, ... what does it do? Non-binding...,Is that akin to wearing a condom without the reservoir tip? And we wonder why the cynicism towards do-nothing-Congresses? In the name of all that is holy or hole-y or goalie, or ... Tom Foley.... will Congress ever grow a sack of balls and say what they really want to say?...
I will.
"We the so-and-so (insert number) Congress of the United States, do hereby declare the following in this year of our ___________ (insert Lord, other God or other pagan idol) two-thousand and seven...
~ Whereas the President of the United States has conducted this war in a manner not mirroring the true nature of its original intent, or at least not in a way any of us experts would have him do it...
~ Whereas empirical proof exists of blatant and abhorrent corruption in the fiscal management of said war, thus draining the national treasure of precious reserves to the tune of a trillion-plus; moneys for which the further expansion of the size of Government can be achieved, not to mention pork projects and other earmarks...
~ Whereas the preponderance of Senators voted en mass to authorize the use of said force with no tangible or irrefutable proof so as to authorize such stupidity and are now trying to wiggle their way out of it..., and getting away with the wiggling',,,
~ Whereas the Congress of the United States has lost faith in the ability of the President to fully undertake his duties and responsibilities of Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces, (especially the stupid landing on the Aircraft Carrier for which we are still pissed...)
~ Whereas we the representative of the people are tired of getting impaled with new orifices by all the bloggers in the world wide web...
... For the above-mentioned reasons, (and many more that we could say if we had as much time for this crap as we do to rub elbows with Lobbyists) we hereby forgo any more appropriations of the Federal Treasury towards the foreign military interventions in Iraq. Furthermore, the President will present to Congress his plan for immediate withdrawal of troops levels to coincide with the ending of said funding...
Signed~~~ Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, U.S. Congress.
See? It took me 10 minutes to write that up; and from the musings I gather from the blogosphere, it pretty well mimics what every Senator and Congressmen wants to say, but for reasons unknown to me, dares not say it. People, for once in your sorry election cycle-lives, can you just do what you think is best for the flippin' country instead of posturing your platitudes for the media? Can we have a "Mr. Smith goes to Washington" moment from anybody? hello?..... anybody?... My fellow bloggers, all irony and sophomoric sarcasm aside; Is this not stupid? Regardless of your political leanings, regardless of whether you agree with the resolution's theme or not, .... can we stop pissing on each other and agree to collectively condemn this action as unproductive, silly and tantamount to grand-standing?...
I just can't get past it. If I were to tell my Director at work that I was going to spend 3 days on a "non-binding" anything, I would be summarily fired without question. Can anything be more un-productive as a resolution with no bite, no directive, no force or action, no reason in being other than allow the blowhards to vent away with Keith Olbermann narrating the play by play? What to hell does that do? Non-binding? Like I don't know what these clowns stand or don't stand for in the first place! Other than allow everybody face-time on C-SPAN, ... what does it do? Non-binding...,Is that akin to wearing a condom without the reservoir tip? And we wonder why the cynicism towards do-nothing-Congresses? In the name of all that is holy or hole-y or goalie, or ... Tom Foley.... will Congress ever grow a sack of balls and say what they really want to say?...
I will.
"We the so-and-so (insert number) Congress of the United States, do hereby declare the following in this year of our ___________ (insert Lord, other God or other pagan idol) two-thousand and seven...
~ Whereas the President of the United States has conducted this war in a manner not mirroring the true nature of its original intent, or at least not in a way any of us experts would have him do it...
~ Whereas empirical proof exists of blatant and abhorrent corruption in the fiscal management of said war, thus draining the national treasure of precious reserves to the tune of a trillion-plus; moneys for which the further expansion of the size of Government can be achieved, not to mention pork projects and other earmarks...
~ Whereas the preponderance of Senators voted en mass to authorize the use of said force with no tangible or irrefutable proof so as to authorize such stupidity and are now trying to wiggle their way out of it..., and getting away with the wiggling',,,
~ Whereas the Congress of the United States has lost faith in the ability of the President to fully undertake his duties and responsibilities of Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces, (especially the stupid landing on the Aircraft Carrier for which we are still pissed...)
~ Whereas we the representative of the people are tired of getting impaled with new orifices by all the bloggers in the world wide web...
... For the above-mentioned reasons, (and many more that we could say if we had as much time for this crap as we do to rub elbows with Lobbyists) we hereby forgo any more appropriations of the Federal Treasury towards the foreign military interventions in Iraq. Furthermore, the President will present to Congress his plan for immediate withdrawal of troops levels to coincide with the ending of said funding...
Signed~~~ Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, U.S. Congress.
See? It took me 10 minutes to write that up; and from the musings I gather from the blogosphere, it pretty well mimics what every Senator and Congressmen wants to say, but for reasons unknown to me, dares not say it. People, for once in your sorry election cycle-lives, can you just do what you think is best for the flippin' country instead of posturing your platitudes for the media? Can we have a "Mr. Smith goes to Washington" moment from anybody? hello?..... anybody?... My fellow bloggers, all irony and sophomoric sarcasm aside; Is this not stupid? Regardless of your political leanings, regardless of whether you agree with the resolution's theme or not, .... can we stop pissing on each other and agree to collectively condemn this action as unproductive, silly and tantamount to grand-standing?...
Outstanding rant! And a great turn of alliterative phrase too: posturing your platitudes!
Just who are these asses in Congress showing off for? The voters? The media? For their colleagues? ("Colleagues" is too nice a word, IMO)
With few exceptions, I'm sick of the lot of 'em over there on Capitol Hill. They're wasting time on my dime.
Did anyone really think this Congress would amount to anything but enough hair make global warming look like a fall chill? The grand purpose of this Congress is to make the GOP look bad, and the GOP does a good enough job on thier own. And this is fine. Too many seats were won by a slim margin with a strong changce the GOP could come back and control in 08. So let Her Highness Pelosi shake her moneymaker, or the money out of any taxpayer. The voters have plenty of time to sober up.
Government is such a sweet gig. If only I could get paid obscene amounts to DO NOTHING.
Great rant, TP!
Thanks! Very few things make me lose more folicules than watching these savants have their Clairol hair moments on camera.
The funny thing is that California just moved up their primaries to February! Meaning that ANY moderate who thought he or she had a chance at the nomination is now belly up. This ensures that only lefties will be the nominees. By doing this, Cali may have increased their influence, but they just ****ed the party it wants to help.
Thanks Darlin'... always a pleasure to make your reading day :)
well said!! wow, three days to do basically nothing. I wish i had that job.
so I guess this "new democratic congress" isn't all it's chalked up to be. no surprise there.
"...to TALK about a resolution that will -in the end- mean nothing to anybody but idiot bloggers like me."
And to Islamists worldwide, T-P.
Mustn't leave THEM out.
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