Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Debate number 34520.2 - 2 (version crap 2.0)...

Quick observations of the latest Democratic debate .... (how many is that now?...)

1. Barack Obama: Is there a faster fading star?... His replies are fractured, he keeps using that left hand of his to make gestures that buttress his words,... almost annoyingly so. Every answer (or so it seems) has a "its critical that we..." in it. More and more he seems like the "gee whiz" kid who happened to bump into a debate and is just happy to be there. This is the debate that he "greenness" is coming out in radioactive fashion. I hereby proclaim him...... toast. Done. Memo to Barack, using gestures with open hand tend to give a meaning that denotes defensiveness and insecurity. Take a lesson from whomever is coaching Hillary on body language,... she has it down cold...

2. Chris Dodd: I just like the guy. I've never ever really listened to him, but I like the way he comes across. Very secure in his replies (unlike Obama), a good editor of his words (unlike motor-mouth Biden), and just seems to have a command of his facts. Look, I know he is more "liberal" or "Progressive" than most of his brethren there (sans Kucinich....) but what the hell, I am not judging the ideology,...just the style. He is going nowhere, but I don't mind him being part of the dais.

3. Joe Biden: We all know he is posturing for a cabinet post,... and no, not Secretary of State, I really think he is a shoo-in for Defense or Intelligence Czar. Can you imagine him as Sec/State? How can you control his mouth?... Hillary will have heart palpitations about it and Billy Jeff will never allow a guy at State to be a better communicator than Hillary. Bill Clinton will be the de-facto Secretary of State, just like Kissinger was really in charge while Nixon was president (not that Kissinger was his wife, but you get my drift). Memo to Joe,... you HAVE to get a better hair transplant doctor,... those hair plugs are just barking!

4. John Edwards: I feel the same for him as Barack,... like there is no traction in his presentation. I see a lot of "out of the Beltway" populist talk,... but it just does not grab me.

5. Bill Richardson: I feel sorry for the guy,... he just does not look comfy in a public setting, does he?... I'm just done with every answer beginning with "When i was....", I still cannot for the life of me figure out why Billy Jeff ever picked him to be in his cabinet,... I've looked at him with pragmatic eyes and I feel stupid because I still don't get him,... (as my IQ drops second by second....)

6. Gravell: There is a reason I did not write his first name...... I can't remember it,... so much for his impression on me... Memo to Mr. Gravell, you are a parody of yourself at this point, and a sideshow to what is an important discourse. You've made your points (over 12 debates or so), I've had my laughs,.... now exit gracefully like Tommy Thompson on the other side.

7. Dennis Kucinich: (and thanks to Quaker Agitator for the spelling correction, I kare too!) I just love this Cleveland Mighty Mouse,... he is a) consistent, b) consistent, and c).... consistent! This guy has not changed his beat since the get go. All his ideas, some of them outside of my comprehension sphere, are unique and salient. To a Libertarian like me, I can see him and Ron Paul running as a fusion ticket! Ha! That would really scare the crap out of both parties,.....

8. Hillary Clinton: Ok, here come the tomatoes from my friends on the center-right spectrum.... Is she sounding (here is comes...) centrist? almost Republican?... talking about (oh no!) fiscal responsibility?..... Hillary is brazen, that is for sure. The hubris to act like she has this thing sewn up and is playing to the general electorate. I don't know if I am grudgingly admiring her, or if I am annoyed at her arrogance. Regardless of the visceral vibe, there is no question in my mind that she is the nominee. A lead-pipe lock. She must have practiced with Bill that "twist the head slightly sideways while keeping your eyes glued to the moderator"... , dammit the woman has polished-up. Just 6 months ago I recoiled at how shrill she sounded, how lousy she looked next to Bill,.... now?, I am just marvelling at her transformation. She sounds informed, well-coached, in control of her facts, aggressive in retort, .... she has the Teflon coating going on, nothing is sticking to her ass. Not the Asian fund-raising guy issue, not filibustering each and every Sunday talk show last week,.... nothing. It is the Bullet Train versus the 7 little choo-choo's...., the fat lady is loosening up the vocal pipes,....

Finally, I got to give it up to moderator Tim Russert. His questions were good and creative, ... he pinned down everybody at least once,... he did not allow anybody to gloss over a question (although he still let Hillary take over the stage at will).... Probably the best moderator so far.

Can we just have the elections tomorrow?... The fall TV season looks awesome and I would hate to pre-empt it for another one of these...


Obob said...

There was another debate? It reminds me of the Simpsons when they sent Homer into space to spice things up. In the beginning of the episode, out of fear watching another laucnch, Homer was able to unplug the TV so they wouldn't watch another shuttle launch.
Of course, we know how much politicians would really love an ignorant voter. A great way to say, "I said that on the campaign trail, don't you remember?"

Anonymous said...

Hillary has had a lock on the nomination for eight years now. I don't know why anyone else even bothers.

The unraveling will occur on the general election, provided the GOP can give us someone who isn't a pansy.

Dardin Soto said...

Obob,... thats pretty funny. You know what's even funnier? I've never watched a single episode of the Simpsons.... Never got into cartoon-based shows....

Dardin Soto said...

I was chatting with one of me Democrat friends yesterday specifically on that subject. His point was that Giuliani, in spite of his social liberalism, will bring so many of the typical blue states like PA and NJ into play that it will more than offset the possible losses in the south or florida. I think he has a point. The GOP does not have to bring the "A" team to the general election,...just someone good enough to give the populace an excuse to vote againsts her Dragoness....

Al-Ozarka said...

Dennis Kucinich is the Bob Dornan of the Democrat Party.

Dardin Soto said...

Holy Cow,... thats a nice re-set,... Bob Freakin' Dornan. I hope that is a compliment (Ha!), I happen to like the guy,...
How've you been Ozarka?...

Anonymous said...

Darn, I missed that one. I am trying to sound really disappointed.....LOL

I agree with you, Hillary has a lock on it. The others are just there to entertain at this point.

Great post! I haven't been following this too closely but your recap sounds pretty spot on. (there is my favorite phrase again) LOL

Dardin Soto said...

Wait till I really start paying attention to this election crap.... then I am really going to go medieval! ~~~~

? said...

Great wrap up of what seems like the 589th Democratic debate this year. As usual, I'd rather set my vagina on fire than vote for any of them or the GOP candidates.

BottleBlonde for Prez in '08!

Dardin Soto said...


Welcome to Casa de Truth-Pain,... where the men are men, and the sheep run scared,...

ok, that was my token sophomoric joke for the day,... see what happens when I visit blog for 5 minutes?...jeez,...

But enough about you. I am happy my synopsis reflects the general feeling out there,... Come back at your comfort...