The third and last Presidential debate last night was not extraordinary because of the answers to the Moderator's questions, but just ordinary because of the answers he did not get. You can love Barrack or John, -and God love ya' for you have every right to do so-, but there is no denying that both of them lost a precious opportunity to either seal the deal (B.O.) or make a grand case for reconsideration (J.M.)
Both B.O. and J.M. could have knocked some softballs clear out of the Hofstra U. ballpark last night, and both failed at getting some lumber on the ball. The following are two examples of how I would have replied to specific questions posed by Mr. Schieffer. I know what you're thinking, "well hell TP, its real easy to have a whole night to come up with something clever. Let's see you do that Live you idiot!...". You may be right, but after you read my replies, you must also admit that the logic was there for the taking. You decide:
Mr. Schieffer: Senator McCain, is your running mate qualified to be President?
John McCain: Bob, there is not a single person that can be honest to Americans and say with conviction that he or she is ready. How does anybody know what "ready" is? What you want to know is whether or not the person has a history of surrounding him or herself with the best and brightest minds to help make the choices and decisions in the areas where experience is not a strength. Sarah Palin has shown she has the temperament to take on her party when it was the best thing for her State, the wisdom to select a Gubernatorial cabinet worthy of the great State of Alaska, and pragmatic enough to select both Democrats and Republicans to her staff. THAT is the idea our Founding fathers had when they envisioned "citizen government". Sarah Palin is a person that came up through the circumstances of her community and in the span of 10 years went from House wife to PTA to City Council Woman, to the Governor's chair and now near the White House! That is America; a country where anything is possible and where Government should be composed of professional citizens, not professional politicians! Heck, her story is more compelling than mine! I was first famous for getting shot and being in prison at a foreign country... I envy HER story! How can you not say she is not prepared for the presidency? Has Barrack, Biden or even myself had to balance a budget? No! She has! Have any of the men in these two tickets been in charge of a State's Energy Commission? No. She was! .... At the risk of diminishing myself in stature here,... I can make the argument that she has proven that experience is not necessarily the best barometer for success, but the ability to surround yourself with the best, and the moxy to take on corruption and the status quo regardless of the party affiliation. Was Washington ready? Was Lincoln? Was Truman? How much experience did FDR have? What about Monroe? Even Governors like Carter and Clinton? Besides being Governors, which Sarah Palin is,... what other experience did THEY have that made them qualified and beyond questioning? None. Absolutely none. Yes, Bob... unequivocally yes. She is prepared to lead, and prepared to step in for me where I incapacitated to do so.
Mr. Schieffer: Senator Obama, what about the negativity of the campaign?... you especially ran on a new tone and above-the-fray mantra. How do you feel about the turn for the nastiness here?
Barrack Obama: Look Bob, every battle plan is a good plan, maybe even a great plan... until the first cannon shot or bullet is fired. Then -as they say- it turns to hell. I meant what I said when I said it and I am sorry that it has come to this. I meant to have a clean a smear-free campaign, but I am not going to sit idly-by when the attacks cross the line of being against the policy and starts to hit the front lawn if you will of your character. If I can't prove to the American people that I don't have the emotional stones to combat that which I think is slander or unjust, then how do I expect them to trust me with the real issues of Government? I am a gentleman, I respect Senator McCain for his service to country and his tenure in the Senate, but I don't take a backseat to no-one, no one, when it comes to attacking me unjustly just to make a political point. Because in this one I agree with John McCain,... I'd rather loose an election that to lose a war .... and I will battle for my dignity. Make no question about it.
With that answer, McCain would have put Palin's gravitas question to rest. Period. Barrack would have put his toughness front and center for all to see and may have buttressed his perceived lack of cojones in bellicose or military affairs. Barrack can afford to let the fastball go by. McCain has precious few strikes left.
I have a friend, Republican guy, who is voting for Barrack. Even made up his own bumper sticker... "Hold your nose and vote for B.O." Classic....
You hit the nail right on the head, T.P. The success of any leader depends on those with whom he surrounds himself. Palin has proven herself moreso than Obama or McCain in that regard.
I'm going to hold my nose too...but it won't be to vote for a racist Marxist. It will be to vote for a liberal leaning milktoast ex-POW.
Our country is headed over a cliff. We're going to crash and burn whether we go over at 70 mph or 30mph - but we're still going to crash and burn. I choose the 30 mph route.
I love the speed analogy.... 30 mph, versus 70 mph.... hmmm, very very well put indeed.... , I smell a post brewing...
"I smell a post brewing..."
Great. I love the smell of a good post brewing early in the morning. *grin*
I'm off to the mountains...
T-P...I've missed ya! Glad your back!
Ummm, with those answers, maybe you should be on the ticket! Think about it, you couldn't do worse than McCain and certainly not Obama. T-P for pres! LOL
Yeah, he has two outs and two strikes on him. He needs some luck and a little magic to pull this out now.
T-P for Pres? I guess there is a certain appeal to a President who enjoys a cuban and a single malt each evening while listening to the soft tones of jazz sax wafting across the south lawn.
I could definitely be a part of that administration!
wow... you're back!
I need to read up now on your blog..
I am scared to death of Obama winning this election....
*shakes head*
you pushed Palin a while ago, so her support is no surprise. In fact, her temperament was proven in her failure to bitch slap Alec Baldwin on SNL. What's he gonna do? Before he could have done something she would have pulled that 9mm from her holster and made him wet his shorts.
As for the debates you posted, McCain tried in vain but obama was Teflon. There will be no accountability on obama and 100 day honeymoon will be tripled by the press. He knows it, you know it and McCain knows in a miracle win it will bring out the most hysterical screeching from the left. Maybe he tanked it to save us. I could live with it.
McCains campaigning has dissappointed me over the past few months. Cannot help thinking that he had more to offer late last and earlier this year. Maybe the Obama train and all the support back of it is getting to him ... Though I'd still vote Republican if I were an American, cannot swallow this hold your nose stuff ... Take care TP
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