This is the first time I link up to any other blogger's posting, and its a good topic. Its about the hypocrisy of a major party in regards to corruption. My thanks to Trucker Philosophy for this post . Although he steadfastly defends his party (GOP) as he has every right to do, the general theme and point of his rant rings true to my sense of today's politicians. Look at this chart he posted as provided by the L.A. times as to how deep and connected Harry Reid is in the affairs of Nevada. Are they all illegal or dubious affairs? I'm not saying that, I'll let you interpret the chart for yourself. The Elephant and the Donkey are apt mascots for the two major parties, big, fat, slow and prehistoric. And to think I considered re-joining one these two monolithic entities. I'll vote for Nader before I do that. He may be a socialist and anti-capitalist (yikes) but at least he does not pretend to be something he is not.
... this link-up stuff is fun, I may get addicted...
.... and more! I just read that Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA) is being investigated for improper conduct in regards to getting a sweetheart contract/deal to his daughter's firm,... or something along those lines,... whoopee!
and.......... last but not least,
Seems like 60 minutes (CBS) concluded that the Duke rape case was all but a hoax and that the Democrat D.A in the case just conjured-up enough circumstantial evidence (not to mention outright lying from the 2 dancing ladies)to keep the case in the limelight just long enough for him to get re-elected,... just beautiful.
America the beautiful, is also America the stupid for putting up with this crap.
am i a liberal? no- but i may as well be. you asked what gives? i am lumped together with all left leaning folks the same as you, my friend-libertarian or not, are lumped with the right. i have never espoused the far left socialistic tendencies and have always been a centrist. that has gotten me nowhere in the present climate. i will not comment on the right wing. based on reading some of your recent stuff- and your other sites as well- it looks like you are leaning a bit more right these days. of course, looks can be deceiving- so i leave it for you to decide.
You think i am leaning more to the right these days?... I'm scrolling back just the past 5 postings and if anything, I am hammering the right as much as I am the left. In my last post I link to a corruption piece written by a GOP-er but I qualify my comments by saying it happens in both parties; in the previous post I give a speech that I think would win Hillary the nomination if she dared give it, the previous one identifies me as a pro-choice person,.... I don't see it, I don't see where I am leaning right these days. But like you said, maybe its your prism of view or my message getting convoluted.
My comments at your place was more tongue in cheek than anything. I just found it odd that you self-describe yourself as a centrist and attach the "liberal" tag to yourself nonetheless. It was vexing to me, thats all. Nice to see you come by.
Betmo,... not that it means anything in the grand scheme of things, but look at my blog roll (where you are one of the few high-lighted), it is reflective of the varying degrees of thought-process going on in my camp. I for one, like to taste both flavors of the kool aid. Not too many of my right or left-leaning buddies can say that.
tp- very true. you generally like to see both sides of the story. i have a feeling that my own lessening tolerance for all things republican(not that you are my libertarian friend :) is coloring my judgment a bit. the more i look into the level of corruption of the ruling party over the last 10 years- the more outraged and sickened i am. yes, yes- i know that the other side has their share of political scandal- but these folks- to my knowledge have not attempted to take away my civil liberties simply to maintain one party rule. if i have offended you, i apologize.
Apology not needed,.. seriously, I was never offended or taken aback by any of your comments. You know me, I just like to initiate discourse in any way I can. I know you better than any other person kind enough to visit me to mis-interpret you that way. You've every right to feel your tolerance weakening. We're good, keep it comin' :)
Well, I guess no one ever said you had to agree with me to link to my post...
reid is a crook and remember tp, we have keggers with the bush twins here on the right. What cracks me up is the whole "culutre of corruption" concept. I guess Rosty from Chicago and Joe Kennedy using the mob to get St. JFK elected are to little for the Dems to remember.
Let the Dems win, you will see a world of hate not sonce Sherman's march on the ATL.
I hope my disclaimers was not meant to offend the GOP or your particular ethos,... i simply wanted to say that no matter my own view on things, that this posting was of importance and reflective of all politicians,.. not just the GOP. Thanks for stopping by.
Very well said,... i don't like to bring up the whole LBJ/Dallas and Dailey/Chigago doings back in 1960...I get pelted for bringing up "ancient" history etc. But facts are facts,.. the Donkeys wrote the book on corruption,... before the GOP mastered the craft :)
You have to wonder why the office isn't enough for these people. High pay, short hours, perks up the wazoo, and still they have to try to line their pockets.
Good post!
I have a post brewing on the cause of corruption... stay tuned!
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