
Feb 27? Has it been that long?... Well, I have been busy ya' know...., the real estate swamp that has hammered the country finally caught up to my company. The cutbacks were brutal and many fine people lost their jobs. I thought I was a goner for sure. Being a Quasi-Libertarian in a sea of Utopian semi-socialists can leave you about as comfy as a puppy next to Michael Vick. But I'm good.
The living situation is another animal. I am really dying to get the hell out of the left coast. Mostly to be closer to the little one in Pennsylvania, but also to live in small-town America and become a "fly-over country" citizen. I'm looking at Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama and Florida currently. My goal is to move somewhere there in about 18 months (I can hear Robert going "Oh sweet Jesus....not in my state...").
To be honest I hate my cave-dwelling sabbatical, seriously. I just impale myself in books, research and other life minutia that by the time I come up for air 2 months have gone by.... I ask the forgiveness of my bloggerland brethren. I deserve to be flogged....
So what is new in the past two months?.... like we don't know... politics! I will be getting deep into this for the next few postings, but here's a sampling of my thoughts,...
1. McCain? If he pulls this out of his ass, er ... hat, it would not surprise me. Don't underestimate the power of the voter in the solace of the voting booth going "... Obama?.... what? oh hell no......". I'm not saying its going to be racially motivated (it will have some effect), but i just don't think America has the stones to put his relatively green, young, and liberal butt in the oval office; no matter how cool he looks in relation to McCain. But I have been wrong often as my last post so condescendingly noticed...
2. Obama? Part of me is dying to see him win...., think of the blog material for the next eight years! But then my brain kicks in again and I just stare at the wall in amazement that I can even consider the thought...
3. Hillary? I'll give her credit for making my news-watching nights more fun. That she went from the inevitable candidate to an underdog in 3 months, is proof that I am an idiot for not believing in God. He's gotta' be up there smoking a fat one going "I got to screw-up these elections more often..."
4. Super Delegates? Its funny that the "Democratic" party has such an undemocratic way of crowning their candidate. But then again, their party has changed, no? Their wonderful founder (Tommy Jefferson) was a real Revolutionary who battled to have the smallest Government footprint on society. Imagine,... a democrat who believes in small government. But I digress. The Super Delegates are gonna' stick their wet finger in the air around the end of May and try to run for the bandwagon,... only that wagon may already be a few miles down the road with no room for front-runners any more.
5. Speaking of God. Many of my postings have espoused my agnostic tendencies. No more. I swear I am not kidding. I realized that having faith is the greatest leap possible. It transcends logic and all that is sensible. There is something romantic, tragic, hypnotic and eternally blissful in believing in something for which you have no proof of its reality,... but your faith. A year ago, if I would have written that, I would have laughed. I am really looking forward to finding out where my new-found acquiescence leads me ...
Ok, but enough about me, I am heading over to the neighbors house to see what everybody has been writing about....
Welcome back Mr.
Firstly thanks for leaving your words at AI. As always, it's appreciated…
So you survived the real estate cull? That’s good. The cave dwelling period may just represent the way you are, you need to immerse yourself in a smaller world every so often to regenerate. Nothing wrong with that, so I’ll have none of this asking for clemency stuff. To be sure, I called in every two weeks or so and well, thought nothing of it. Just last night I referred someone to “It’s in the wiring, stupid”… In any event welcome back….
Am mesmerized by your fifth point, have you discovered something or are you simply revisiting it; faith that is. Good luck in the journey friend and remember faith can be your closest most trusted and beautiful acquaintance, small steps …
God Bless
I've been in out of the cave as well. But as for the closet. Just kidding.
The super duper delegate technique of the Democrats is comical. It comes down to not the popular vote, but a vain, spineless group of elected officials. So if Florida was a crime againist the proletariats, would the super delegates be good for the State, commerades?
And here's the question, where are the Hispanics is Hillary goes?
Welcome back! If you are looking for peace and tranquility, and you are seriously considering Alabama, then I can recommend where I live in Helena.
Clsoe to a fairly large airport with convenient schedules, small town environment just minutes from middle class urban chaos, more to do hear that you can schedule, as long as you aren't too picky, a minor league ball team that you can go to a hundred nights a year for $6 a game (as long as you don't buy anything at the Gambino family concession stands).
You can join our new Civitan Club and participate in the community (jsut charterd this week, my wife is President and I am Secretary).Rated by Money magazine as the #1 place in Alabama, and #13 in the country to raise a family. Home values that are unchanged despite the current market...I could go on forever.
If you are serious, let me know.
Your faith. I am glad for you, ad hope that you find what you seek. I am comforted by mine, and refuse to enter the debate about logic, science, and religion. Man is a spiritual being, and has been since the beginning of time. I have a real belief in God and his word, but my bottom line argument is this: What does my belief cost me? Nothing. What is I am wrong and there is no God, and no Jesus Christ? I have tried to be a responsible and moral person. I have smiled at strangers, bought ice cream for neighborhood kids form the truck just because, helped my neighbor with his car or painting, cut his lawn because I felt like being outside, donated money and time to buy Christmas presents for poor familes....and then I die and it is over. If I am right, those who refuse to believe in God do not have the peace I have and face an eternity of despair...
Forgive my preachiness...Spirituality and relations with God do not have to be found in the organized church or any particular denomination. If I can assist with my beliefs to enlighten you, please ask.
Until next time, my friend! Be well!
You are expecting a McCain win? You are joking. Obama is the postmodern candidate. Look at the larger numbers he receives in the primaries, than the GOP.
I don't at all support the Democratic Party. You should be prepared that conservatism is dying, and the GOP will be out of power for decades.
American Interests,
Thanks for the welcoming party. As to my fifth point, I had an epiphany of things recently. Many reasons for that, but most importantly I guess is my realization that as much as I am like Spock (the guidance by logic), faith is something so beyond logic that to dismiss it's necessity in the space withing ourselves is to dismiss ourselves outright. I will keep you posted of my delving into the spiritual end of things...
The Superdelegate's existence alone, voids and nulls the argument that Bush "lost" in 2000 because of outside powers (Supreme Court)...
That is very kind of you to offer the info on parts of your state,... and don't think I am not going to take it seriously, I am! I am seriously thinking of doing a tour of Alabama and Tennessee in the fall after I have gathered enough information for some close-quarter inspections. I will definitely keep you posted.
As to the spirituality thing, ... my father is a southern baptist minister so I am not foreign to the ethos of Christianity or Religion per se; but I am mildly amused at the fact that at my age the thought of something larger than myself has crept up to my frontal lobe..
I am not saying McCain will win or that I am hoping he does win,... just that I would not be surprised if he did. Nobody saw Reagan blow Carter out of the water in 1980, Nobody saw Bush 41 loosing to Clinton in the spring of 92, nobody saw Gore loosing in 2000, and nobody saw Hillary getting throttled as we type.
True that the Democratic party has gotten a surge (pardon the pun) in their primary voters, but the GOP has not had a reason to feel jazzed about McCain either so that adds to the difference in primary numbers volume.
Can I paint a mild scenario that puts him atop? Benjamin Netaniyahu (sp?) is close to being Israel's Prime Minister in a few months. Say Syria keeps feeding Hezbolah, Benji lobs a couple of serious bombs at choice centers of operations within Tehran and bingo, national security and world chaos becomes front and center right in the middle of October (surprise?)and McCain is suddenly looking sexy again,... the many independents or republicans who stayed home during the primary are sure as hell not staying home in November now. Give him a VP that gives a contrast to his age and experience and you have a close race. I don't think I'm smoking crack here.... I think this is scenario is more likely than not. Having said that, I voted for Barack Obama during the primaries (not kidding...). I had my personal reasons for doing so but enough is said that I thought a symbolism change in the Oval Office trumped my own ideological libertarian preferences. Besides, I don't like Hillary and my party has a chance in hell of doing anything here in California so I punched his name grinnin' ear to ear...
I called GW winning in 2000 to the shock of my polysci prof.
It goes back to my barfight theory. WHo would rather follow into a barfight? Of course many people recognize the immaturity and nonsense of one, but what is war? But is happans when diplomacy fails and what do you do when it happens.
Hillary - not a chance. Heck she reminds me of the women I throw out for starting fights by nagging the men.
Obama - he reminds me of the gu who starts fights and doesn't realize he eother caused it or how to run out of the bar fast enough
McCain - I would be either pulling him off the scrum or jumping in with him.
This of course does not mean just combat, but it can apply to policy as well.
Maybe I'll get a fight at the bar tonight. I need the stress release. I love bouncing drunks off walls out the door.
Welcome back from your hibernation. ‘Bout bloody time, T-P!
Glad your job weathered the storm. If I had the finances I would move to Boone, NC. Up in the Blue Ridge Mountains, its just a hop down the interstate to the big airport in Charlotte, or a winding, mountain drive west to Elizabethton, TN. Boone is my idea of a wonderful vacation spot, too. *sigh*
I love the Super-Duper Delegates! It’s the Democrat Party’s way of pretending to give a voice to the Party’s voters while maintaining what it thinks is control. Can’t have those “masses” actually running things, can we? Throw the Identity Politics into the mix and you have Race cards flying about - and nobody admitting to throwing them! - pandering to everyone save Christians, religious Jews, and conservatives, and George McGovern drop-kicking another person he was behind, “One thousand percent.” It’s fun to watch, though fearsome to contemplate either of the two Dem candidates actually gaining the White House. Slick Willie in residence again? Michelle Obama a First Lady of these “raising the bar” United States?
Welcome back to the blogosphere, T-P. We missed ya. Again!
Seems like you are in a belicose time of life, arent you?... I never realized you had that much fire in the gut...
I second your emotions as to the candidates, ... the comment on Obama is so dead-on that I'm pissed cause I did not come up with it myself....
Glad to be back! My eyes of still have shut from the darkness but slowly the cobwebs are falling off my lids...
Boone, huh? Thank you. I will put that on the very short list I am compiling of "places I am considering to move to..." It would be more than funny and ironic if I really did decide to move to a place that a friendly bloggerland brethren turned me onto. Stranger things have happened, no?...
I will be carousing your site soon.
I am glad to hear that you are seriously considering Alabama. The state has so much to offer, and I think you would fit in well around Birmingham. I would be happy to call you a neighbor, and when you go on your tour I volunteer to be your guide through these parts.
The coast is nice, but Mobile is a very "blueblood" oriented city. Montgomery is the capital and my place of birth and where I was raised, but it isn't what it used to be and my generation and the one after is fleeing. Birmingham is the largest city in the state, with a populatio of just over 1 million. So it is large enough to ofer any things, but still not be a monstrosity like Atlanta.
We will lift a few cold ones, enjoy some southern cooking, and blogbond.
Your dad a southern baptist minister...my denomination from the time I was young. You know better than I the tenents of my faith, so I shall withdraw my offer of enlightenment. Instead, perhaps you can explain to me many of the questions I have and why I lack the faith at times..
Truly looking forward to the opportunity to show you around...
I must apologize greatly for the usual typing errors.
woo hoo TP..Summer is almost here!...ahhhhhhhhhh!
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